Articles & Insights | Interop Technologies

‘Talkin bout my generation’

Written by Mark Warchol | 4/15/19 2:18 PM

In our industry there’s certainly no shortage of articles, predictions, or hypotheses for the next generation of networks. In fact, there’s so much talk, that 7G is already a moniker appearing in industry rags, and I’m sure a little more research would have revealed even more sequential "G" references. The point is when we hear about new technology it’s always the next generation which promises us something bigger, better, and faster. Remember when 2G and 3G were next generation? Then 4G came along, which was labeled next-gen before it even received its formal numeral, proving that there is always a subsequent generation. This number quest has industry publications and bloggers scrambling to be the first to officially label the newest network generation. But the real story is about your current network generation and what you are presently doing with it.

We can’t have a discussion about the evolution of a technology without understanding that innovation is rooted in its progression. Have you ...

Read the full article in the CCA Voice