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Interop Technologies™ has developed an Enhanced Wireless Emergency Alert (eWEA) solution to provide U.S. carriers with the agility and cost efficiency they need to meet the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) new rules for wireless emergency alerts. 

  • U.S. wireless carriers move forward with implementing the FCC's new requirements for wireless emergency alerts (WEA) despite some carriers requesting for more time to comply.
  • Through their cloud-based, managed Enhanced Wireless Emergency Alert (eWEA) solution, Interop Technologies™ removes the technical difficulty and higher cost associated with implementing the FCC's new requirements on-premise.
  • Wireless Emergency Alerts should provide the public with the most advanced wireless communications capabilities currently available in order to ensure clear communications to the public during an emergency.

Since the FCC mandate to improve the existing wireless emergency alert (WEA) system was passed last November, Interop Technologies has enabled 13 carriers and carrier groups in 17 states within the U.S. to deploy eWEA and meet the federal compliance deadline. As a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Certified Gateway Host and an approved Department of Homeland Security (DHS) testing partner, Interop has been actively involved in the advancement of cloud-based solutions that enable carriers to easily adhere to WEA (formally known as the Commercial Mobile Alert System/CMAS) regulations and compliance since 2011.

Josh Wigginton, Staff Vice President of Product Management at Interop Technologies commented: “The wireless emergency alert enhancements mandated by the FCC are aligning with the improvements in wireless technology to help increase the accuracy of these critical messages to the public. Interop’s technology and management of our eWEA solution eliminates the barriers for carriers to quickly deliver these enhancements to their subscribers.”

The latest FCC mandates for enhancing the WEA functionality and compliance were implemented November 1, 2016 and include: increasing character limits, Spanish-language alerts, improved geo-targeting and phone number and URL embedding.

Recent events have highlighted the need for enhanced capabilities of the WEA system—Read the articles at the Los Angeles Times and San Francisco Chronicle.