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Mar 20, 2015 Interop Technologies

Launching WiFi Calling Now…WiNot?

As most of us prepare to travel to Atlanta next week for the 2015 CCA Global Expo, I would like to invite you to read my recent article in the Spring/Summer issue of the CCA Voice. You can read the article in its entirety here.

As the evolution of the all-IP mobile space continues, IP services including Voice-over-WiFi (VoWiFi), Voice-over-LTE (VoLTE), and Rich Communication Services (RCS), remains a current hot topic for operators. Fueled by the marketing campaigns of mobile operators and the growing availability of these services in the marketplace, each of these services are being demanded by consumers, but none more so than WiFi calling.

While VoWiFi (also known as Wi-Fi calling) is not an entirely new offering, its momentum and popularity have grown exponentially with the release of Apple's iOS 8 and the iPhone 6. Tier 1 service providers have now either launched VoWiFi or made commitments to do so this year. In order to remain competitive and relevant in the mind of subscribers, operators must find a way to follow suit and quickly launch VoWiFi in their markets.

WiFi Calling: no longer a novelty, but a necessity...

Stop by Booth #56 at CCA Global Expo next week to experience first-hand the power of WiFi calling and learn how you can launch now.

CCA Global Expo

Published by Interop Technologies March 20, 2015
Interop Technologies