I often write about how OTTs can suffer from quality of service issues that operator-provided, standards-based services do not. I ran across an article last week that illustrates this point quite ...
The Interop team is on the road next week, traveling to New Orleans for the CCA Global Expo. This show promises to be the best yet, with an interesting lineup of speakers and a record number of ...
With Over-The-Top (OTT) applications like WhatsApp and BlackBerry Messenger posing a significant threat co operators' legacy messaging services, the need for mobile network operators to fight back is ...
Much has been written about whether "over-the-top" services, such as Skype, WhatsApp, and iMessage represent a threat to mobile network operators, potentially relegating their role to that of a dumb ...
Though mobile users have embraced traditional messaging services, today’s converging communication environment offers a wide range of alternatives. In many ways, subscriber loyalty is shifting from ...
Today’s consumers have more communication options than ever before. Given widespread adoption of smartphones and the convergence of mobile and IP-based messaging, mobile users have moved beyond basic ...
This week at CTIA, Interop Technologies came out with an RCS-e solution that can enable wireless service providers to offer feature-rich messaging without the time and investment requirements of IMS.