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Leverage Existing Platforms by Seamlessly Adding New Services Through Bundling

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In the highly competitive U.S. wireless market, regional carriers must look for new ways to capitalize on existing services while reducing CAPEX and OPEX. By differentiating their services and creating new revenue streams, carriers can maximize the value of installed solutions.

Carriers that have implemented bundled solutions through a provider that offers a multitude of solutions have an advantage in that they can easily add new services while minimizing investments. Such providers work with carriers to identify new solutions that can be easily integrated with installed solutions through a provisioning API. In addition to facilitating the integration of new services, a common API simplifies management of all solutions, reduces training time and ultimately increases customer satisfaction.

Read the Full Article at The RCA Voice

Published by Chris Dwyer, VP Sales Regional US-CALA June 15, 2011
Chris Dwyer, VP Sales Regional US-CALA