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Feb 04, 2015 Interop Technologies

Super Bowl Ads Predict the Wireless Future!

With over 100 million viewers and an ad cost of $4.5 million per 30-second spot, Sunday's Super Bowl broke records in both categories. While the ads are certain to be the topic of conversation at the water cooler for days to come, the most talked about ad in the mobile operator circles will most certainly be the T-Mobile WiFi calling ad.

Why, because WiFi calling has become, seemingly overnight, a vital technology for operators. With this “big game” carrier ad, and the recent announcements from Cablevison and Google regarding their own VoWiFi launches, MNOs across the nation need more than ever to fast track their own WiFi calling offerings and respond now in order to remain competitive.

Our latest infrastructure as a service solution, CorePlusXSM, allows for the rapid rollout of VoWiFi and other in-demand advanced IP services such as VoLTE, VoLTE Roaming, and RCS by utilizing the latest in NFV technology within the secure, private, Interop CloudTM. Operators can rely on Interop Technologies' expertise and CorePlusXSM solution to quarterback their next generation communications game plan.

Why was Apple missing from the Super Bowl commercial landscape you ask...maybe it was all the Microsoft ads that kept them away, or maybe they were busy, since native WiFi calling is available on the 74.6 million iPhones they sold to break their own record—that’s probably it.

Published by Interop Technologies February 4, 2015
Interop Technologies