Google’s Project Fi announcement is clear proof that MVNOs can play a big role in the proliferation of WiFi calling as a "must-have" offering that mobile operators need to gain subscribers. MVNOs just need a way to launch it quickly without adding to their CAPEX strain.
CorePlusX℠ from Interop Technologies offers cloud-hosted WiFi calling that lets MVNOs differentiate their brand with the latest advanced IP technology today. MVNOs can launch very competitive WiFi-First and WiFi-Only plans, complement their MNO cellular coverage, and reduce their billable host network MOUs by enabling their subscribers to talk and text on any WiFi network.
VoWiFi is not disruptive as much, as consumers expect its functionality. This gives savvy MVNOs a powerful opportunity to be a first-mover with WiFi calling in certain markets, given that some MVNO WiFi success has already preceded them.
The proliferation of, and migration to, advanced IP services like VoWiFi, VoLTE, RCS and IMS is happening globally. MVNOs looking to keep up and create their own MVNO 2.0 offerings can do so quickly from the cloud with a fully-managed IMS-core and IP services suite from CorePlusXSM. This allows them full control over what services they bring to market and when— allowing MVNOs to react quicker, remain competitive, and continually provide their subscribers the next “must-have” service to grow their brand.